Are you eating enough to get some good belly fat loss?
Why do I say this?..well because a lot of men don't eat enough food during the day and have a larger belly because of it. Even the ones that go to the gym.
So are you eating a decent-sized breakfast or just having a piece of toast?
Are you setting aside time for lunch or just grabbing something quick later?
If you aren't having your regular meals as a minimum...then you are handicapping yourself in your intentions for belly fat loss.
But why?
It's all due to blood sugar and the signals you are sending your body. If you don't eat a lot then your blood sugar is going to be more erratic. What you really want is for it to be more level...
You know when you read about the total daily calories for a man to eat and it's a value of about 2500? Well those experts aren't kidding. Eating this much helps you keep your blood sugar level...but only if you eat in the right way.
And if your blood sugar level is up and down a lot because you aren't eating in the best way you end up having these cravings to eat...and you don't always go and eat the healthy option when that happens.
A second consequence is that this up and down effect drives your body to convert more food as fat instead of using it give your energy to move about.
The great news is that you can break down your stalling belly fat loss easily. You can do this by only eating one more time in the day rather than eat a lot of little small meals
So all you have to do is eat that bit more and spread how much you eat over the day if you can.
Say eating something at 3 or 4 pm as well and making sure you have more cereal, fruit and/or yogurt for breakfast...that kind of thing.
If you are really imaginative you can add in healthier foods to eat but you know what?...just try eating more to start with and see how you feel.