Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Making That Next Step - All You Need To Lose Fat

It is a strange phenomenon…looking back on all those little things you've done and suddenly seeing that you have accomplished so much. Look at all the ways you are fitter.

You may not be exactly in the place you believed you were going to be…but you will have progressed further than doing absolutely nothing but worrying about starting.

It’s times like these that you should congratulate yourself.

…and Personal Motivation is the key to this success…

If you don’t have a technique to keep motivated to lose weight then chances are you won’t reach your goals of, for example, having a flatter belly in 90 days or fitting into a special outfit for say, a wedding.

I know sometimes it sounds like everyone tells you “You need to have a plan…you must have this”…but it really isn’t that difficult to create one.

Just say to yourself: I will lose that fat in 12 weeks…or whatever time period you wish…but make it realistic!

If you do have a plan AND the extra motivation to lose weight then you will get results. Simple as that. It WILL happen.

I find good motivation in a technique I decided to try: It’s called the Just The Next Step method…and it is as straightforward as it sounds.

Here it is:

  • Write down what you aim to do for the task at hand – for example, to workout, this would be get changed, review what you are going to do, warm-up, exercise, warm-down, shower, write down what you did in you exercise log
  • Start with the first step and only focus on going to the next one.

What happens is that you end up getting more done in less time because you only think about the next thing to do. And in general, it keeps you from over thinking.

Remember though: you still have to have a basic structure of steps to take the first few times you attempt this otherwise you will get distracted…

…and this means, especially for a fitness and weight loss program:


So try this as motivation to lose weight if you find you don’t have the time in the day…it has the added benefit of making time magically appear from nowhere.

Friday, March 25, 2011

2 Crucial Pieces of Advice To Stop Food Cravings

You're dying to to get control of your food cravings but you just can't seem to put the pieces of the puzzle together...or you keep making the same mistakes.

You may have tried not eating the food or distracting yourself. It just doesn't work. And those cravings are driving you up the wall...holding you back from losing weight and keeping the fat on.

Well, in this video you can learn how to stop this pattern...and with the 2 tips I talk about, you can start to make a tangible change to your food cravings habits.

You learn to conquer them and get that control over the way you eat, control that you have always wanted. And it starts with 2 things...

Click on the picture below to watch the video. See how you can transform the way you handle cravings forever...and start losing that weight and fat in the process!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The most important step to beat food cravings

The most damaging mistake that you can do when trying to stop food cravings is trying to force yourself NOT to have something...

I'm referring to that time when the craving comes and you consciously say to yourself to not eat some “bad” food or drink that “bad” drink.

You know how that feels? That “forcing” yourself. The focus...the way your chest gets a bit tighter and you need to get up and sit somewhere far from the biscuits..

Or when you feel yourself having a hard time concentrating on NEED to eat that slice of chocolate..but no, no, NO I HAVE TO FIGHT IT...

As you are aware, this type of occurance is not something you can maintain day after day. Maybe you stop yourself once or twice or maybe you push it to a week.

It doesn’t matter. Pretty soon you are going to fall back into old fact I'm sure you have these habits already, but you don't call them that so that you can trick yourself.

So you say “I don’t really have CRAVINGS...I just like my little treats now and then”...or “Sure only some people really have CRAVINGS, I just have a sweet tooth..”

Or “I tried stopping but you know in the end it won't do me any harm”

Yes. Denial is a terrific friend...BUT I’m not here to talk about guilt or denial and what you can do about it.

I’m talking about how you can learn to get control of that very craving, in fact CONQUER it so that you can smugly, and yes smugness is the right thing to you can smugly eat any sweet food you like when YOU want...

And not have it the other way around...

So how do you begin?

The answer is to develop habits or even replace habits with better ones.

So currently lets say that you always eat something sweet as part of your lunch...this is usually a well-established sweet food craving habit.

Okay. Instead of denying yourself the sweet food...have something else to eat. Like a piece of fruit or some nuts...or even a carrot. I'm not joking.

So you'll need to plan a day to bring in the other food or apply some willpower to buy the other food you are having instead. Then you need to have it with you so that you can eat this when the food craving comes.


Choose what you will eat instead of that something sweet and fatty at that main time of the day when you normally have it.
Bring the other food with you or have it near to you.

Now this is the first piece of the puzzle...but a powerful one.

Also, remember that conquering cravings also fits in nicely to your fat loss plan and getting rid of those last inches of belly fat. If you want to hear more about that you can watch a cool video on it.

You can go here ====>>>Cravings control for belly fat loss

Friday, March 18, 2011

Ending It With That Special Other - To Lose Stomach Fat

You know there comes a time when you feel the need to to make an important lifestyle change, like finally admitting you want a better job, bigger house..or to lose stomach fat!…

And lots of things are going crazy, you may not have the focus or time and inclination to do things you usually do…you know you have to make big choices with huge consequences.

Well in all that madness it seemingly always happens…it’ll rear its ugly head. You’ll run into that awkward scene:

How do I say to my lover that I don’t want to be with them any more?

You’ve weighed it up and you and your lover have reached that crossroads. The big decision indeed.
But wait, this is no RUN OF THE MILL lover.

This lover gives the best, all the time and makes you feel you are the special one…always. This lover never gives you that judging look, lets you take them any place you want. They don't nag or expect some meaningless conversation. Just easy quality…every single time.

All they want is that you pay them attention...

This lover I’m talking about is your secret relationship with chocolate.

Now there's great advice about changing your diet and throwing out junk and processed food so that you can lose stomach fat

Don’t be eating white bread. Beware the pasta. Watch out for fried chicken and Big Macs. Things like that.

And that is true. It does help you lose belly fat and other fat to change from eating so much of these and it can help a lot that, when you have to eat carbs like this, you swap them for granary or wholemeal.

But the largest impact you can have on losing weight is to cut down heavily on the one relationship that always provides you with that certain satisfaction…

The one involving Chocolate

But you can’t just cut it out of your life…you may always need precious moments with this lover...just not EVERY DAY.

That little chocolate bar after dinner ring any bells?

So here’s a tip: Replace it with something else…a nut bar or an oat bar…or some fruit and nuts…just something else healthier.

To lose stomach fat you need to be tough!

And if it’s hard, I feel for you. I had to cut my lover out to. We have a once a week date these days, yeah it's not the same magic, it's changed…but my stomach is flatter thanks to it!

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

A Positive Mind Is A Great Tool For A Fat Loss Plan

When trying to get rid of belly fat, at some point, you are going to hit a wall, that point where you don't achieve anymore gain. You'll have lost a good bit of but it will appear like you have stalled and and the weight has just stopped coming off, irrespective of how well you have stuck to the fat loss plan.

Don't worry...this is all part of the process...just keep going with'll push through
The key is optimism.

...and I don't just mean the sort of positive New Age thinking type of 'yeah man' stuff.

I mean the kind you build and make more powerful by following your exercise routine and eating plan.

Each little step, every day, shows you that it is possible to improve yourself and it's not something you get told or read in a book.

It's happening to you...and you are becoming better.

But how do you stay on course with a fat loss plan?

The solution is to keep a log...and do it everyday.

For one thing it builds in a habit of accountability (not a very sexy word I know but it is a very powerful principle)..and the other thing is that you can get to see the facts first hand of your progress.

So you get to reinforce that optimistic feeling if you find yourself slipping!...Even if it is two steps forward and one step back...

So remember...optimism...not just positivity is the key to keeping on your fat loss plan...

Enjoy yourself!!!