Friday, April 8, 2011

Losing Stubborn Belly Fat - Finding Time To Exercise When You Feel It's Impossible

Losing stubborn belly fat can be an uphill battle. You probably have a million things to do each day. Perhaps you have a small child or have a long boring drive from work. And the last thing you want to think about is doing a workout when you at last get home.

So though you know you that you need to some exercise because it helps you lose fat, the time just never seems right for you. Yes, you could try going to the gym before work or after work but you've tried that and it eats into other more important things. That's not a good solution.

It seems like you can't really get any traction. And then you get that feeling, that creeping sense of disappointment. Your goal of losing fat in the time you wanted isn't going to happen.

But you still hope that you can find an easier, quicker way, a short-cut to give you that result.

If any of this sounds familiar then you'll be happy to know that there is a very simple technique that you can use to change this picture. How you can actually get your weekly workouts and start losing stubborn belly fat without taking time away from other commitments.

If you apply this technique you will find that more opportunities seems to appear as if by magic for exercise.

The logic behind this technique is that due to years and years of building habits and having experiences in life, you and I have brief moments during the day when we get a sudden drive to do something. These bursts are remnants of times before when we had the habit of doing something during those moments.

Most of the time, you may not notice it. But when you start to examine it, you see patterns. And by using these patterns you can try to fit in workouts into your schedule.

Because it's highly likely that you have more time than you think you do.

So to find out this information here's what to do:

Make a note of when during the week you got an "slight urge" to exercise

You should get them a few times a week, perhaps even a few a day. Now if the urge was strong enough and you did exercise when you felt like it, great!! If this didn't happen and another thing came up, you at least had the beginnings of a drive to go for it.

But why is this important?

If you know when you most feel like working out, it will only take a little more effort to work out. And then when you start exercising more, you can then expand this to more times when before you didn't have such an urge for it.

And there is no good or bad time. It might be 7 in the morning before the kids are up. It might be 20 minutes high intensity when you get home. Or you do something before lunch.

Just write down when it is and keep making that log for the next 7 days. Try and work out as well, in whatever style you do.

And here's some extra advice: if you can't think how to exercise, then consider doing circuits of simple body weight exercises. Push-ups, crunches, lunges, with and without a medicine ball or weights of any kind. And you might only do it for 10 minutes. Right now the amount of time you spend is less important than the building of a habit to workout at that time.

So, for the action step: get something to be a log (it could even be a Notes application on your laptop, PC, iPhone, Black Berry, whatever) and make this the place where you record these urges. Make sure you fill it in each day.

And lastly: the way you go about losing stubborn belly fat, using exercise as a part of your plan, is by having your own habits and rhythms work WITH you, not against you!!!

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