Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The most important step to beat food cravings

The most damaging mistake that you can do when trying to stop food cravings is trying to force yourself NOT to have something...

I'm referring to that time when the craving comes and you consciously say to yourself to not eat some “bad” food or drink that “bad” drink.

You know how that feels? That “forcing” yourself. The focus...the way your chest gets a bit tighter and you need to get up and sit somewhere far from the biscuits..

Or when you feel yourself having a hard time concentrating on NEED to eat that slice of chocolate..but no, no, NO I HAVE TO FIGHT IT...

As you are aware, this type of occurance is not something you can maintain day after day. Maybe you stop yourself once or twice or maybe you push it to a week.

It doesn’t matter. Pretty soon you are going to fall back into old fact I'm sure you have these habits already, but you don't call them that so that you can trick yourself.

So you say “I don’t really have CRAVINGS...I just like my little treats now and then”...or “Sure only some people really have CRAVINGS, I just have a sweet tooth..”

Or “I tried stopping but you know in the end it won't do me any harm”

Yes. Denial is a terrific friend...BUT I’m not here to talk about guilt or denial and what you can do about it.

I’m talking about how you can learn to get control of that very craving, in fact CONQUER it so that you can smugly, and yes smugness is the right thing to you can smugly eat any sweet food you like when YOU want...

And not have it the other way around...

So how do you begin?

The answer is to develop habits or even replace habits with better ones.

So currently lets say that you always eat something sweet as part of your lunch...this is usually a well-established sweet food craving habit.

Okay. Instead of denying yourself the sweet food...have something else to eat. Like a piece of fruit or some nuts...or even a carrot. I'm not joking.

So you'll need to plan a day to bring in the other food or apply some willpower to buy the other food you are having instead. Then you need to have it with you so that you can eat this when the food craving comes.


Choose what you will eat instead of that something sweet and fatty at that main time of the day when you normally have it.
Bring the other food with you or have it near to you.

Now this is the first piece of the puzzle...but a powerful one.

Also, remember that conquering cravings also fits in nicely to your fat loss plan and getting rid of those last inches of belly fat. If you want to hear more about that you can watch a cool video on it.

You can go here ====>>>Cravings control for belly fat loss

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